
Solar Magazine & Storage Magazine

Solar Magazine & Storage Magazine together form the largest news platform in the Benelux for decision makers in the energy storage and solar industry. The news platform consists of the 2 separate magazines published bi-monthly and both a circulation of 23,000 copies, a joint online news blog with almost 9.5 million visitors in 2024 and the 2 newsletters Zonneflits & Storageflits with over 27,500 and almost 6,000 subscribers.

Advertising & media kit
There are numerous opportunities for advertising to bring your company to the attention of the readers of Solar Magazine & Storage Magazine’s. All the different options can be found on the joint media kit of Solar Magazine & Storage Magazine.

Press releases
If you are starting or completing an interesting innovation project, introducing products or have other important news for the energy storage and solar industry; mail your press release to the editorial team.

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Nu in Het Tijdschrift

Maart 2025

De maart 2025-editie van Solar Magazine is verschenen. Het tijdschrift bevat artikelen over de vakbeurs Solar Solutions Amsterdam, zonnecarports, het productteam circulaire zonnepanelen en de zakelijke zonnedakenmarkt.

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